Webcam St. Petersburg. Aquilon Leaves residential complex

Online broadcast from the construction on Pulkovskoe Shosse.
Aquilon is building a group of 10- to 12-story buildings on Pulkovskoe Shosse. The block of business-light class in Moskovsky district is called Aquilon Leaves Residential Complex. The construction is based on brick-monolithic technology, the facades are finished with ceramic granite.

There are 1-5 room layouts on sale including studios. There are 963 apartments in the first stage. The area of apartments ranges from 21.4 sq. m to 103.91 sq. m. Ceiling height depends on the floor and is 2,7-3,15 meters. The price includes finishing work. The buyers will receive an apartment with glazed balcony, floor screed, 1.76m x 1.76m windows and window sills at 0.6m height. Akvilon will perform design renovation for extra charge, there are three variants to choose from.

Of digital technology in a new building provides a system of intelligent control and IP-door phones. Improvement according to the project MEGABUDKA. The territory will be closed from the strangers - the perimeter fence, barriers at the entrances and the gate at the entrances. The yard will be landscaped with elements of landscape design, equipped with sports areas with training equipment and playgrounds for children of different age.

Halls also will be decorated according to the design project. Stroller lockers, a co-working room and the Aquilon Kids development center will be located on the first floor. The project comprises one school for 1,125 pupils, several underground and ground parking lots, and a preschool for 220 students.

The residential complex Aquilon Leaves is being constructed next to Oak Grove and Pulkovsky Park. It is possible to walk to Zvezdnaya metro station, the distance is two kilometers.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:21 a.m.
St. Petersburg
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