Webcam Rostov. Don embankment

Rostov-on-Don is the largest city in southern Russia. It is often called the "Southern Capital", the "Gate of the Caucasus", and even unofficially - "Rostov-papa". Bright, colorful and beautiful, Rostov-on-Don is quickly gaining fame as a popular tourist destination. This is due to both the glorious history of the metropolis and modern events - exhibitions, festivals, the World Cup 2018.

Another name of Rostov-on-Don is the "merchant city. The name is quite justified, hardly anywhere else in Russia you will find so many magnificent mansions of the century before last. History here was created by a new ruling class - prosperous merchants, and as if competing with each other in luxury, trade families decorated the streets of the Don capital with elegant mansions.

The best representatives of the architecture of the Tsarist Russian era await you on Bolshaya Sadovaya Avenue and Pushkinskaya Street, a pedestrian street.
Some houses, such as Margarita Chernova's mansion, the City Duma building and the Martyn brothers' house, are rightly recognized as monuments of federal architecture.

These areas are excellent for an exploratory walk through the city - there are hotels, beautiful restaurants, souvenir stores, museums and art galleries. Walk through the center of the city, you will realize that Rostov-on-Don has a vivid ancient history and an equally interesting present.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:48 a.m.
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