Online camera Vladivostok. Tereshkova Street, Ring

Vladivostok was founded in 1860. Initially it was a military post, the status of the city was given to it 20 years later. In 1888, it became the main city of Primorsky Krai.
Today it is considered the capital of Primorsky Krai (formed in 1938). The area of Vladivostok - 331 thousand square kilometers. The area of the Vladivostok Urban District, which in addition to the city includes 6 other settlements, is 560 thousand square kilometers.

Vladivostok is the biggest city in the Far East of the country. The city is not only a major commercial port of Russia on the Pacific Ocean, and it is the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet. The longest railroad in the world, the Trans-Siberian Railway, ends in Vladivostok. Thanks to the Far Eastern University and a branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it is considered the largest center of science and education in the Far Eastern part of the country.

The city received its name from the word "own", it also has an unofficial Chinese name, translated into Russian as "trepang bay" (haishenvai). The basis of life in Vladivostok is the Pacific Ocean and everything associated with it. Ship construction and repair, extraction and processing of marine resources are considered the points of economic growth and the cornerstones of economic development and the city as a whole in the long term.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:45 a.m.
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