Online camera Feodosia. Dvuyakornaya Bay, Cape Ilya

Feodosia is a resort and port city in the south-east of the Crimean peninsula on the coast of the Feodosiya bay. It is one of the ancient cities of Crimea, founded by the Greeks around the middle of 6th century BC, a city with a long history, where hundreds of cultures and peoples intertwined. For many centuries of its existence Theodosia has experienced periods of prosperity and decline, here past and present have merged together. The city's population as of January 1, 2019 was 68,029, but at the height of the summer season it increases significantly.
Feodosia lies on the border between the mountainous and steppe Crimea, it surprises with a variety of beaches and exotic lush vegetation, all this combined with the sea gave the city a unique climate that relieves fatigue and strengthens health. Natural riches of a resort - mineral sources, curative dirt, needles-soaked air already for some decades find application in medical purposes, and comfortable weather and beauty of the nature do rest attractive in any season.
Feodosiya - long known climatic and balneological resort, local resorts and boarding houses accept visitors wishing to improve health and for the prevention of many diseases. Sea air - a natural inhaler, which allows you to treat respiratory diseases. Mineral waters and mud baths have been successfully used in sanatoriums for over a century. In 1913 in the southern part of the city was discovered source of mineral water, similar to Pyatigorsk "Narzan", and the local mineral water "Feodosiya", the composition similar to "Essentuki № 20" has been successfully used in resorts to remove toxins and slags from the body, to treat chronic diseases of the digestive system, gall bladder and liver, kidney, with mild forms of diabetes and gout, as well as to combat excess weight.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
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