Webcam Kolomna. Golutvinsky bridge, Moskva River (Moscow region) online

Golutvinsky pontoon bridge connecting Sergievskoye village and nearby settlements with the city, a pedestrian pontoon bridge (not capital) across the Moskva River in Kolomna. It gets its name from its location next to the Staro-Golutvin monastery. Upstream is Mityaevsky drawbridge, there are no bridges on the Moskva River below, up to its confluence with the Oka.

In the 1990s, the bridge was destroyed during the spring floods, but subsequently the bridge was rebuilt after a long period of time. Currently, the bridge is organized only for foot traffic, although until the 1990s, the bridge was also used for vehicular traffic.

The bridge is about 137 meters long.
In 2017, the bridge was overhauled: the boardwalk of the bridge was replaced, the structures of the shore piers and pontoons were repaired, and the surrounding area was landscaped.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:54 a.m.
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