Online camera Krasnoyarsk. Druzhba Narodov Street, Torosova Street

Krasnoyarsk is the largest city of Eastern Siberia and one of the largest economic, industrial, educational and cultural centers of this vast geographical region. Despite the fact that there are many industrial enterprises in Krasnoyarsk, the environmental situation in the city and the overall level of its amenities are such that it is often put as an example to other major metropolitan areas of Russia.

Krasnoyarsk can be called by any name: the capital of Siberia, the city of fountains, the city on the Yenisei and even a theater city. Each of these epithets gives a certain insight, which helps you feel its appealing identity. In April 2012, when the millionth inhabitant was born, Krasnoyarsk became the easternmost millionaire city in the Russian Federation - the fourteenth in our country.

According to 2017 statistics, it is home to 1.083 million people. In 2019, its population, albeit temporarily, will become even larger - due to the participants and guests of the 19th Winter Universiade, which will be held here.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:45 a.m.
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