Webcam Tyumen. Pervomaiskaya Street, S.Patsko Square online

The brief Siberian chronicle (Kungurskaya) says about the foundation of Tyumen: "In the summer of 7093 voivodes from Moscow Vasily Borisov Sukin, Ivan Myasnoy, and Danilo Chulkov, a head of writing, with three hundred people, were sent to Tyumen city on July 29, the Chimgi heard...". According to the modern calendar 7093 year is 1586 year. That is, a year after the death of Ermak, whose campaigns freed the region from the Siberian khanate, over which the Horde's protégé Chinggisid Kuchum ruled.

The place for the construction of the town was not chosen by chance. Natural fortifications consisted of high steep banks of the Tura River and its tributary, the Tyumenka, as well as deep, impassable ravines (gullies), which cut the right bank. Thus, there was a need for fortifications only on one side of the city-fortress.

It was not forgotten about the economic component. The place of the future city was on the so-called "Tyumen Wheel" - a trade route from Asia to Europe. That was how the first city of Siberia was founded.

For the first two hundred years the city was inhabited by military men, who for decades repelled the attacks of nomadic hordes of robbers. The constant danger and struggle against the harsh nature hardened the will and courage of the Siberians. Not surprisingly, it was Tyumen that the first in Siberia Yamskaya sloboda appeared. Because of its complexity and danger, the Yamskaya chase was considered the heaviest service to the czar. Gradually the border of the Russian state went farther to the east, and Tyumen has become a city of transit trade of Siberia and China.

Modern Tyumen is a large industrial city that is the oil and gas capital of Russia, as the administrative center of the largest oil and gas producing region. Tyumen is located in the south of Tyumen Region and Western Siberia, on the banks of the river Tura, which is the left tributary of the Tobol.

The city is four hundred kilometers from the border with Kazakhstan. The nearest towns to Tyumen are Yekaterinburg, 325 km away, and Tobolsk, 246 km away. The time zone with respect to Moscow is shifted by +2 hours.

Last online:
Dec. 11, 2022, 1:31 p.m.
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