Online camera Medvezhjegorsk. Dzerzhinskogo street (Karelia)

The city of Medvezhegorsk is located in the Republic of Karelia and is the administrative center of Medvezhegorsk district. The population is 14500 people. It stands on the shore of Lake Onega, the distance to Petrozavodsk - 152 kilometers.
In 1915 a railway station Bear Mountain was built, and the village of the same name was founded there. The place was chosen on the shore of Lake Onega, previously there was no settlements there. Near it built a pier, where he began to deliver the necessary materials for the construction of the railroad from St. Petersburg.

In 1916 railway station building was built, which survives to this day (with minor alterations). Officially Medvezhegorsk was founded in 1916. In 1927 the Medvezhegorsk district was founded, and Medvezhegorsk became its center.

After the decision to build the White Sea-Baltic Canal in 1930 the station Medvezha Gora became one of the construction centers. In the 1930s the population of the Medvezhegorsk town had big growth, and in 1938 the town got the township status and its present name was Medvezhegorsk. From 1941 to 1944 Medvezhegorsk was occupied by the Finnish.

Today in Medvezhegorsk there is the October railway station; there is a bus communication with Petrozavodsk and with the Medvezhegorsk district settlements.

In Medvezhegorsk there are stores, service companies, a hospital, the authorities of the Medvezhegorsk district, and the district court. There are three schools, also a music school, an art school, and the House of Children's Art. There is a children's home. Three newspapers are published.

Among the major enterprises worth noting detritus plant, chipboard factory, numerous companies in the field of logging and wood processing, port, FSI Belomorkanal. There is a museum of local lore, as well as a folk crafts factory. A library is open, which was opened in 1930.

Developed tourist infrastructure - there is a hotel, as well as two tourist complexes ("Big Bear" and "Little Bear").
In the town of Medvezhjegorsk filmed the movie "Love and Pigeons", also filmed here the movies "The Piranha Hunt," "The Fourth Height," "And on the rocks grow trees.


Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:33 a.m.
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