Webcam Feodosia. Desantnikov Embankment online in real time

The Desantnikov embankment is one of the two Feodosia embankments, connecting the port of Feodosia with General Gorbachev Street. Its length is quite small - about 900 m. - A half an hour walk with a leisurely step will not tire even the elderly and small children, the more so, as on the embankment there are benches and awnings from the sun.

The need to build the embankment was dictated by the sea, which during the winter was undermined by the railroad, so in the 1980's along the coast laid embankment, built 6 breakwaters and equipped with embankment and pebble beach.

Since then, the problem of waterlogging is solved, and the townspeople and vacationers had a new place for walks along the sea. It was named in honor of the soldiers of Kerch and Feodosia landing party, who in winter 1941, fought against the German invaders Kerch Peninsula.
Paratroopers' Quay originates from the Feodosia port - it is the oldest part of it, the same age as the port, built in the late XIX century. Here you can see a lot of cargo and oil tankers, harbor cranes and small passenger boats.

Aivazovsky Art Gallery is located at the intersection of the embankment with Galereynaya street. The museum was opened in 1880 in the house where the artist lived for a long time. There is a large collection of his works and works of other famous artists, mainly mariners.

Within the embankment are several beaches, divided into several parts by breakwaters. All of them are pebbly. It is better to choose the parts that are farther from the port - the sea is cleaner there.
You can also end up in the Desantnikov Embankment with a beach, but with a sandy beach, which is the beginning of the first city beach of Feodosia.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 12:11 p.m.
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