Webcam Pushkin. Peterburgskoe highway, General Khazov street

The city of Pushkin (Leningrad region), founded in 1710, is among the settlements of the Russian Federation with the most colorful history. It grew up on the estate of Swedish nobles, which later belonged to Prince Menshikov. In the 1860s the destiny of the princely estate changed dramatically. It became a residence of Russian autocrats, and later received a new name - Tsarskoe Selo.

In 1808 the village officially became a polis, renamed in honor of the great Russian poet 131 years later. Here was located the famous Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum, which gave the Fatherland a pleiad of outstanding statesmen and public figures. The main decoration of the Catherine Palace was the Amber Room, which had no analogues in the world. The World War II had not spared this wonderful architectural and historical monument, which had been created by the famous architects F. Rastrelli, V. Geste, A. Menelas.

At that time many buildings had suffered great damage from bombing and artillery fire. It took more than half a century of hard work to restore the palace to its former glory. Today, one of the iconic landmarks of Russia has regained its former splendor.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:43 a.m.
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