Online camera Khabarovsk. Brosko Mall, Pionerskaya Street in real time

Brosko Mall shopping mall has an unusual, memorable architecture - the chopped shapes and texture of the facing materials resemble a rock on the riverbank. It looks especially bright in the evening, with neon lighting. And the inner atrium gives a feeling of space and a lot of natural light. It is a place with human soul, special atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

The mall is conveniently located on the bank of the Amur River, along a busy city thoroughfare. It is 1 kilometer away from the city center, at the intersection of major routes, there are public transport stops nearby. Brosco Mall has paid indoor and free outdoor parking, the total number of places - 800.

The third floor of the mall houses Khabarovsk's first IMAX movie theater and a food court with 18 restaurants and cafes all united by the common concept "World Cuisine".

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:40 a.m.
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