Camera online Evpatoria. Chapaeva Street, fountain

The history of Evpatoria is almost 25 centuries old. During this time the city has changed its name three times: in ancient times this place was the Greek Kerkinitida, in the Middle Ages the Crimean khans organized here mound Gozlyov.

Once part of the Russian Empire, the city was named after the Pontic ruler Mithridates VI Eupator.

For Soviet citizens, Evpatoria has always been the main resort for children. Cozy seaside town kept this status - dozens of health centers and children's camps are still operating here.
Today Yevpatoria is considered one of the best in the former Soviet Union balneological resorts and family vacation spots. Every year, thousands of tourists of all ages come here to gain strength and improve their health.

Last online:
Nov. 4, 2022, 7:22 a.m.
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