Webcam Ulyanovsk. Efremova Street in real time

Efremov Street was named in 1957 in honor of Lieutenant General Mikhail Grigorievich Efremov, a participant in the Civil War, World War I, the commander of the 33 Army, which actively participated in the defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow in the Great Patriotic War.

Mikhail G. Efremov was born in 1897. A 20-year-old instrumental worker fought the White Guards and junkers during the October battles of 1917 in Moscow. At the beginning of the Civil War he joined the Moscow Special Brigade and went to the front. Having started his fight as a private, M. G. Efremov soon became a company, battalion and regiment commander.

After the end of the Civil War M.G. Efremov continued to serve in the army as a commander and commissar of the division, then of the corps. In 1933 he graduated from the Frunze Military Academy. He commanded the troops of the Privolzhsky, Transbaikalian and Transcaucasian Military Districts.
At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War M. Efremov commanded the 21st and then the 33rd Armies. In December, 1941 Efremov's army liberated Naro-Fominsk, Borovsk, Vereya from the German invaders.

Efremov was awarded the Order of Lenin and three Orders of the Red Banner.
The plaque is located on the house number 13, k.2.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:44 a.m.
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