Webcam Eisk, Dolzhanskaya. Recreation base "Cossack coast" online in real time

"Cossack Coast" is a recreation center on the Azov Sea, which has a landscaped area of 15 hectares and an entertainment complex. It is located 40 km from Yeisk on the Dolgaya Spit.
- "Cossack coast" is located on the coast of the Azov Sea: a spacious comfortable beach with awnings, a variety of attractions, water and beach sports.

- Rooms with all amenities on the shores of the Azov Sea: two-, three-and four-bed accommodation. All rooms have air conditioning, TV, refrigerator, electric kettle and hair dryer.

- Meals in the dining room resort and a variety of cafes and restaurants: each institution has its own menu and unique atmosphere.

- Azov SPA a unique wellness center at sea: restoring strength and energy, fatigue, weight and figure correction.
- Rest with children at the Azov Sea: play and sports fields, show programs with animators, master classes with tutors.
- Entertainment for every taste: bowling, billiards, tennis, shooting range, air hockey, paintball, rent mopeds and bicycles, fishing, shashlik.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:33 a.m.
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