Online camera Yaroslavl. Privokzalnaya Square

Yaroslavl's Station Square was formed in the 1920s near the Vspolye railway station. The square was then called Vspolinskaya square. In 1952 there appeared a Stalin Empire style station building with a tower and a clock. After being renovated in the 2000s it looks especially smart.

In 2008 a monument to Savva Mamontov, a talented Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist, appeared on the square. He was one of the people who helped build the Moscow-Yaroslavl railroad in the 1860s. This track goes from Moscow through Sergiev Posad to Yaroslavl, and on to Vologda and Arkhangelsk. Mamontov was the largest shareholder in this construction.

On the monument Mamontov holds in his hand a compass and a clock - symbols of the construction and growth of the Russian economy. The railroad connected the cities of northern Russia with the center of the empire, Moscow. There are two granite plates near the monument: one with a short description of Mamontov's life and the other with a map of his railroad. On the pedestal of the monument one can see the image of the biggest railway stations in the cities on this road: Yaroslavl, Rybinsk and Vologda.

Last online:
Nov. 30, 2022, 9:05 a.m.
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