Webcam Tyumen. Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Gorsad online in real time

Tsvetnoy Boulevard is considered the longest pedestrian promenade in Tyumen (about 800 m). It runs through the entire city center between Pervomayskaya and Ordzhonikidze streets. This is a very popular place for recreation and walks among local residents and tourists. In the evening it's always crowded: young people gather on the benches, couples in love, families with children, athletes jog before going to bed.

In summer, they organize city festivals, concerts and festivals, and in winter - they organize an ice town with slides, ice sculptures and bright lights.

Entrance to the boulevard is decorated in the form of a wide metal arch, consisting of 5 spans. Walking along the boulevard, you can count five squares: a square of Love, Arts, Sports (on it is located the sports complex "Central"), Circus and Fountain. In the center of the latter stands a fountain with a beautiful stained glass dome and a romantic name - "The Seasons".

Here are concentrated the main points for shopping, leisure and entertainment of Tyumen residents: cafes and stores, as well as a cinema, circus and sports complex.
The name "Tsvetnoy" was invented by analogy with the Moscow boulevard, because the circus is also located on it. And at first they even wanted to call the longest city promenade "Tyumen Arbat".

Another favorite resting place of the townspeople on Tsvetnoy is the amusement park, here guests of Tyumen can enjoy a beautiful view of the city, opening from the Ferris wheel.

Last online:
Dec. 11, 2022, 1:03 p.m.
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