Web Camera UK Jodrell Bank Observatory, Lavell Radio Telescope

Lavell is a radio telescope at the Jodrell Bank Observatory near Gust, Cheshire, North-West England. At the time of construction in 1957, it was the largest (mirror diameter 76.2 meters) full-rotation radio telescope in the world. It is currently the third largest, after the Green Bank Radio Telescope in the United States (100 m) and the Effelsberg Radio Telescope in Germany (100 m). It was originally known simply as the 250-foot Telescope or the Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope; it was renamed the Mark 1 Telescope (Mark I) around 1961 when discussions began on the construction of new telescopes (Mark 2, 3, and 4). In 1987, it was renamed the Lavell Radio Telescope and became part of the MERLIN network and the European RSDB Network. With the help of the telescope, research is conducted on many issues of modern astrophysics and cosmology. The Sun and stars, galaxies, quasars, clusters, black holes, pulsars, and other cosmic objects are studied.
Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 3:57 p.m.
United Kingdom
Jodrell Bank
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