Webcam Faroe Islands Vagar, Airport
Vága Floghavn is the only airport in the Faroe Islands. Vagar Airport is located on the island of the same name near the village of Sorvagur. It was built by British specialists in 1942 during the occupation of the Faroe Islands. Since 1943, the airport began to serve civilian flights. Currently, the airport has one asphalt runway with a length of 1250 m and a width of 30 m. Wagar Airport is central to the Faroese airline Atlantic Airways. In 2006, it was the hub for another airline, FaroeJet. The airport is also one of the most important hubs for the Icelandic airline Icelandair. In addition, the territory is also used for helicopter communication with other islands of the archipelago.
Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 4 p.m.
Faroe Islands
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