Webcam Moscow. Symphony residential complex online

The Symphony 34 Residential Complex is located in the north of Moscow, 6 minutes from Dmitrovskaya metro station. The project was designed by the famous architectural bureau Kleinewelt Architekten. A veritable symphony of man, his values, architecture and quality of life in the metropolis. A new residential complex SYMPHONY 34 is the embodiment of progress and innovation - in construction, design, and organization of the living environment. The interiors of the public areas are characterized by sophistication, functionality and conciseness. Thanks to modern technology, the apartments of the complex are filled with light and from every point you can enjoy stunning views of the city. An internal park for residents, hidden from prying eyes, and modern infrastructure of the complex give the opportunity to live beautifully here and now. Located 10 minutes from downtown, Symphony 34 will become a new pride of Savelovsky District and a new standard of prestige living in an already comfortable and familiar environment. Here you can easily find silence and blend into the boiling city life, because the business center and all city routes are in five minutes from the complex, as well as the green park and rich infrastructure of the district. Each line and each design element is part of a holistic concept and is made by the best creative bureaus in the world. This is a new aesthetics, which can only be compared with the new symphony in art. The consonance of forms and materials, the unity of different but compatible elements and the individuality of each building are emphasized by the chosen architectural solution, and all together they add up to a thoughtful holistic composition.
Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:16 a.m.
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