Webcam Ulyanovsk. Sholmova Street online

The street was named in honor of Sergei Nikolayevich Sholmov, a cadet in the Soviet Armed Forces, a participant in the Civil War in Angola.
Sholmov was born in Ulyanovsk. After graduating from the Red Banner Order Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense he was sent for practical training to the People's Republic of Angola where the Civil War was going on.

Sergey was a part of the crew of An-12. The task was to provide airlift for 15 Soviet and Angolan soldiers. The plane carrying the cadet Sholmov came under fire 43km east of Menonge, lost control and crashed. Everyone on board was killed.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, cadet Sergei Sholmov was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star.
Also in Ulyanovsk high school № 13, a graduate of which he was, there is a museum "At the turn of the century", dedicated to Sholmov.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:11 a.m.
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