Webcam Tuapse. Tornado recreation center online in real time

One of the most popular places among holidaymakers is the town of Tuapse, Novomikhailovsky village. The recreation center "Tornado", located here, is located in a minute proximity from the Black Sea coast.
The recreation center is located in a bay, which is designed so that yachts can enter it.

The beach is pebbly, has everything you need for beach holidays: deck chairs, umbrellas from the sun, showers and toilets. There is also an open-air pool with fresh water in it. On the beach you can rent sporting equipment and a variety of water vehicles: boats and yachts, wake boards, jet skis.

The base offers guests different variations of accommodation: rooms in one of the buildings, bungalows or individual houses.
"Tornado" in Novomikhailovsky offers numerous entertainment services, such as animation for adults and children. You can swim in the pool, play pool, visit the sauna or sauna. By the way there is a cafe and a bar.

Recreation center "Tornado" creates all conditions for a comfortable stay and an unforgettable vacation. Giving preference to this recreation center, you can completely forget about the daily duties and problems, at least at the time of stay here.

The territory of the base is located on the shore of one of the cleanest bays of the Black Sea coast of the North Caucasus. Nearby there is a market, pharmacy, cafes, stores.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:50 a.m.
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