Webcam Krasnoyarsk. Belinskogo street online

Belinskogo Street is located in the Soviet district of Krasnoyarsk. Belinskogo street is very short in length - about 800 meters. It starts from the administrative border of the Central and Soviet districts, and going upwards, smoothly passes into the street Partizan Zheleznyak near Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. This street is an important thoroughfare connecting the central part of the city with the Soviet district. From 2008 to 2010 the street was reconstructed, as a result the street increased to seven lanes: four - uphill, three - downhill. There are only two residential buildings on Belinsky street: one is a sixteen-storey panel cross-shaped building with a variety of layouts, the other is a nine-storey panel building. All of them - built in the late 1980s. By decision of the executive committee of the Krasnoyarsk city council № 179 of 25.04 1967 Goncharnaya street was renamed into Belinsky street, in honor of Efim Semenovich Belinsky (March 25, 1925 - December 16, 1944), Hero of the Soviet Union. Yefim Semyonovich was born at the station Zaozerna, Rybinsk district of Krasnoyarsk region in a family of workers. When he was 11 years old he moved with his family to Sovetskiy Rudnik settlement of Severo-Yeniseiskiy district where he studied at a secondary school. On June 14, 1942 he was presented with a high school certificate among 28 graduates, where it was noted that he graduated with honors. On January 8, 1943, when Efim was not yet eighteen years old, he volunteered for active service in the Red Army. In September 1943, Belinsky graduated from artillery school with a rank of junior lieutenant and was sent to the front. He served in 32nd Verkhnedneprovskaya Red Banner Order of Suvorov infantry division, 43rd army of Baltic front. He was killed on December 16, 1944, while carrying out reconnaissance mission on the outskirts of Klaipeda (Lithuania). Ensuring actions of scouts of the group, in the decisive minute he closed with his body an embrasure of a German bunker, saving his fighters from inevitable death, thus having repeated the exploit of Alexander Matrosov. Belinsky was buried in a common grave two kilometers from the city of Klaipeda.
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Dec. 26, 2022, 10:54 a.m.
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