Online camera Ulyanovsk. Ryabikova street, Dovatora stop

Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk, as I like to call it, is a small city by Russian standards on the banks of the Volga River. And despite the fact that the population here has exceeded 600 thousand people, and the history of the city is more than 350 years old, few people associate the city with anything more than the legacy of the great leader of the proletariat, Vladimir Lenin.

I agree that there are indeed many monuments to Lenin in different variations, all the same, a significant layer of Russian history is associated with the name of the famous Ulyanovsk citizen.
However, former Simbirsk, and now Ulyanovsk, knows how to surprise you with unexpected sights and rich history. There are interesting places to walk, such as several preserved streets, preserved in the same form as in the very beginning of the XX century under the Tsar.

In 1963, the former Vyrypaev highway was renamed Ryabikov Street.
Valentin Vladimirovich Ryabikov (1883-1962), a native of Simbirsk, one of the founders of the Simbirsk group of the RSDLP, a member of the revolution of 1905 in the Volga region, an active fighter for the establishment of Soviet power in Siberia. After the Civil War, he worked as a party member, a diplomat and an economist. On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the first Russian revolution he came to Ulyanovsk, gave reminiscences in the labor collectives.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:10 a.m.
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