Webcam Vologda. Leningradsky Bridge in real time

Automobile and pedestrian overpass in the city of Vologda over the railway tracks was named Leningradsky Bridge. The bridge is located on Leningradskaya Street, between Goncharnaya Street and Kirov Street, from the bridge there is a branch to Chekhov Street.

Construction of Leningradsky Bridge began in 1970, and he was completed in 1975. The length of the bridge is 650 meters and width - 20 meters.
In 2007, there was made overhaul of the Leningradsky Bridge, the works were carried out for two months, and the bridge was opened on September 25, 2007. In the future to relieve the bridge is planned to build a large interchange, which will make traffic through the city faster and more convenient.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:33 a.m.
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