Webcam Veliky Novgorod. Pskovskaya Street online broadcast in real time

Veliky Novgorod is one of the oldest cities in Russia, whose history can be studied by its streets and character by its inhabitants. In the past, the main bazaar of Russia, so extolled by European merchants, today has become a real open-air museum, where everywhere you look, you are bound to stumble upon an ancient church, or even a cathedral.

Novgorod the Great covers an area of 90.1 square kilometers. It is the administrative center of the Novgorod region, two-thirds of whose residents live within the city limits. In 2018, the number of Novgorod residents was 222,868.

A distinctive, peaceful and unusually affable Novgorod clings tenaciously to its great past, which perfectly "feeds" the city budget. Tourists on the banks of Volkhov river do not cease to be numerous, and this popularity surprises no one.

Here they know how to meet and greet any guest, using the national colors as artful self-promotion, and the creations of old Russian architects - as aesthetic bait. However, the Father of Russian Cities is not famous for architecture alone. Historical and art museums, theaters, luxurious parks, and the boundless ultramarine surface of Lake Ilmen - all these alternative "locations" are not less popular with tourists than the famous Novgorod Kremlin.

Pskovskaya street is one of the most important and longest street of the city - 3300 m long. It begins from the Square of Military Glory (former Karl Marx Square) and in a south-western direction runs up to the river Veryazhi (settlement Pankovka), then passes into the Pskov highway, leading to the settlement Shimsk (direction Staraya Russa, Pskov).

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:38 a.m.
Velikiy Novgorod
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