Sennen webcam. Beach and promenade

Sennen is a coastal parish and village in Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. The village of Sennen is located about 13 km west of Penzance. The parish of Sennen is bounded by the sea to the west and is bordered by the parishes of St. Just to the north, St. Buryan to the east, and St. Levan to the south. The parish also includes a group of rocky islets located in Land's End Bay.

The main settlements in this parish are Churchtown, Trevescan, Carn Towan, Sennen Cove and Land's End. Sennen Parish Council is elected every four years along with Sennen Village Council. The main local authority is Cornwall Council. Sennen Parish is located on the western tip of the Penwith Peninsula and is exposed to the prevailing westerly winds from the Atlantic.

Geologically, it is located on a granitic landscape, one of the five main granitic batholiths that make up the base of Cornwall. Consequently, the parish has a bare marshy character with very few trees and no forest. The population was 829 in the 2001 census.

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Dec. 26, 2022, 12:43 p.m.
United Kingdom
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