Live TV Moscow. Ilmensky driveway

Ilmensky proezd (name since August 24, 1966) - proezd in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow in the territory of the district of Zapadnoe Degunino.
Passage got its name on August 24, 1966 after the lake Ilmens in Novgorod region in connection with its location in the north of Moscow.

Ilmensky proezd goes from Dmitrov highway to the southwest, turns to the northwest and runs up to Pyalovskaya street. The numbering of houses begins with Dmitrov highway.

There are no routes of ground public transport along Ilmensky proezd. Bus routes t36, t56, t78, 179, 194, 215, 563, 591, 763, 994 stop located at the eastern end of the lane on Dmitrovskoye shosse.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:06 a.m.
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