Online camera Yaroslavl. Strelka, flowerbed on the observation deck

Strelka is the birthplace of Yaroslavl. Yaroslavl, according to the chronicles, was founded in 1010 by Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich of Rostov, who later earned the nickname "The Wise. The place at the confluence of two rivers, which we now call Strelka, was the most suitable for the foundation of the city: a steep bank, up to 20 meters high, was easily accessible to enemies. Besides, the major factor in favor of Strelka was the proximity to transportation arteries leading to the capital city of Rostov.

Yaroslavl Strelka park is located on a cape at the confluence of the Kotorosl river with the Volga. It consists of two parts - the upper parterre (in former Rubleny Gorod) and the lower (on the spit).
The lower park was built in 1970s on the place of the sand spit. In 2010 it was extended and rebuilt.

In November 1979 the Tu-104A was installed at the lower parkway, in 1988 it was dismantled.

In 2010 here upon the citizens' initiative the monument to the 1000th Jaroslavl Anniversary was erected on the general sponsor Gazprom - a twenty meters high granite cylindrical column on a massive granite pedestal. The column is crowned with a gilded sculpture of the double-headed eagle, the symbol of the Russian Empire. Around the pedestal are bronze sculptures.

In the front part of the pedestal is the main and the biggest sculpture in the composition - the sculpture of Yaroslav the Wise, the founder of Yaroslavl. Around the pedestal are four sculptures: a priest, a soldier, a mother with a child and a citizen of Yaroslavl.

On the pedestal are four bronze bas-reliefs with images of the most significant events of Yaroslavl. On the pedestal there is a bas-relief with the image of Yaroslavl coat of arms. To the right and to the left of the coat of arms the dates of foundation of Yaroslavl in 1010 and the date of the millennium of the city are marked.
At the lower Arrow there are three light and music fountains.

Last online:
Dec. 8, 2022, 7:05 a.m.
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