Webcam Kerch. Lenin Street, Arch

Lenin Street in 1837-1921 was named in honor of the Governor-General of Novorossia and Bessarabia (1823-1854), Field Marshal-General Prince Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov.

Vorontsov Street connected the reconstructed city center (fortress) with the governor's palace proposed as the center of the new part of the city with a square for maneuvers in front of it (the palace was supposed to be built in the drained delta Melek-Chesme, approximately at the site of the current stadium). The turn from Vorontsovskaya street to Feodosiya road gave the opportunity to develop here a classic trident of highways (modern streets Pirogov, Gorbulskogo and Samoilenko), which determined the fan layout of the area; at the meeting point of highways was placed Trinity cathedral church (now on that place is the pet store).

Currently Lenin Street in Kerch is considered one of the most presentable. It concentrates a lot of cafes, restaurants and clothing stores, but the most valuable are some remaining architectural values that emphasize the individuality of Kerch. The pedestrian zone ends at Lenin Square, created on the site of the destroyed Turkish fortress.

Last online:
Nov. 4, 2022, 8:10 a.m.
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