Webcam Astrakhan. Sverdlov street in real time

Sverdlov Street was made up of three streets: Bolshaya Demidovskaya (before Zapasnaya - now Kalinina Street), Birzhevaya (before Novo-Isadnaya Street (now Nogin Street), and Plotinnaya (before Ivanovsky Bridge) by the resolution of the Plenum of the Astrakhan Oblast City Council of December 30, 1920.

In 1924 Plotinnaya Street was renamed Kievskaya Street. On November 18, 1957, Kievskaya Street was joined to Sverdlovaya Street, which became the name of the street from the Volga embankment to Ivanovsky Bridge (over the May 1 Channel).

Bolshaya Demidovskaya Street became the fundamental part of Sverdlovaya Street. The name is related to the old Petrine times, when it was built by the Astrakhan industrialist Tikhon Demidov, son of Loshkarev, with his broad stone farmstead. At the beginning of the 20th century the street was noisy and lively. Bolshaya Demidovskaya Street connected the center of the city and the Big Isady market.

Today Sverdlov street is one of the central streets in Astrakhan. The modern name it received in honor of the famous revolutionary Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov, a Russian statesman and politician.
Sverdlov Street is located in the Kirov district.

It begins with Naberezhnaya Pervogo Maya Street and ends at Maxim Gorky Street. Its length is 2, 44 km. The street is passable, with lanes for passenger traffic, with one-way traffic, starting from 3 rd International Street towards Admiralteyskaya Street, except for the sections with two-way traffic: Gorky Maxim Street - Admiralteyskaya Street, Naberezhnaya Pervogo Maya Street - 3 rd International Street.

The street crosses such streets as: Babushkin, International 3rd, Nogina, Victory, Saratovskaya, Kalinin, Mikhail Aladyin, Shelgunov, Communist, Volodarsky, Kirov, Admiralteyskaya, Fioletova, Ulyanov.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:30 a.m.
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