Webcam Nazarovo. Park "Rainbow Childhood" (Krasnoyarsk Territory) online

Nazarovo is located in the south of Krasnoyarsk Krai, 145 kilometers from its capital, on the Chulym River and in the Nazarovo Basin. It is the capital of Nazarovsky District, not a part of it. The area of the city is 47 km².

Near the City Cultural Center a new children's playground was opened as the joint project of the SUEK-REGIONS Foundation and the City Administration. The long-awaited event was timed to coincide with the Miner`s Day.
Irina Shurygina, young Nazarovo resident, together with Sergey Setov, city mayor, and Andrey Fedorov, executive director of OJSC SUEK-Krasnoyarsk cut a red ribbon and solemnly opened the new recreation area for citizens.

Citizens and guests of the town were pleasantly surprised with what they saw: trampolines, merry-go-rounds, game complex, amusements and in the center of the town there is a dancing fountain.
The townspeople themselves came up with the name of the town, and the results of the contest were summed up on the day of the holiday. There were a variety of names: "Children's quarter", "Daughters, daughters. City resident Tatyana Kuzenko even composed a poem for the park. But Olga Sarkisyan won, and now Nazarovsky Children's Park has the name "Rainbow of Childhood".

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:08 a.m.
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