Webcam Elets. Petrovsky Park (Lipetsk region) online

The small town of Yelets is located in the Lipetsk region. Its history begins in 1146. The unique ancient city, which has preserved many historical monuments, has brought up a large number of great people, famous throughout the world. The most iconic figure of the city, of course, is the writer, Nobel Prize winner I.A. Bunin. The city is very colorful and beautiful. There are a lot of public gardens and parks where you can relax, enjoy the greenery and silence, but a special place is occupied by Petrovsky Park.

The history of the park goes back to the early XX century, when the famous at the time in Elets Petrov family organized on the bank of the river Bystraya Sosna wonderful park. It was considered a real miracle of landscape design. The park, designed by A. Petrov, had an area of about 2 hectares, and on its territory grew incredible tropical plants brought from many parts of the world. The park consisted of several ponds, channels, and bridges between them.

After the revolution, the park was no longer taken care of, although it remained a favorite vacation spot for many Yeltsk residents.

After the Great Patriotic War in the 50-60s there was a small reconstruction, the park got a stage and street lamps, but over time it all fell into decay. Even in our days Petrovsky park was on the verge of environmental disaster. Small ponds were littered, and the park itself was completely overgrown with shrubs.

In mid-2019, a complete reconstruction of the park began. The water bodies in the area were completely cleaned and renovated. It is said that fish have even been launched into them and it is not uncommon to see fishing enthusiasts there. At the moment the Petrovsky park is almost completely reconstructed.

The renewed Petrovsky park has preserved its unique historical image. It is a great place for walks, solitude, sports and outdoor events. All surfaces used are made of environmentally friendly materials, including wooden playgrounds and gazebos. Exercisers for all tastes have been installed.

As a result of the reconstruction, the park has become not just a recreational area, but also a place of active recreation for visitors of all ages. The new look of the park has already been appreciated by thousands of residents. After the opening of the park dozens of cultural events were held.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:12 a.m.
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