Webcam Kaliningrad. General Tolstikova Street online

General Tolstikov Street received its name on April 29, 1987. The new name was given in honor of General P. F. Tolstikov, a Hero of the Soviet Union.

The first proletarian division under the command of General Tolstikov during the storming of Königsberg acted in the main direction. On the first day of the assault it seized the southern outskirts in the area of Ponart (Baltic district), and by the morning of April 7 approached the railway station. Here the fight was incredibly difficult, the fascists put up a fierce resistance.

Nevertheless on April 8 advanced units of the division seized the Southern station and knocked out the enemy from the station square. By the morning of April 9 the division came to the river Pregel and began preparations for its crossing. The regimental batteries opened fire at the King's Castle, and the guardsmen began to cross the river on improvised means. In the evening of the same day they made a victory salute.

For the skilful direction of parts of the division during the storming of Koenigsberg P.F.Tolstikov was awarded with the title of a Hero of the Soviet Union on May 5, 1945. Before that he was rewarded with the order of Lenin, five Orders of the Red Banner, the orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, the Patriotic war of the II class and two Orders of the Red Star.

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Nov. 23, 2022, 9:04 a.m.
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