Webcam Yaroslavl. Uglichskaya street in real time

Uglichskaya is a street in Kirovsky district of Yaroslavl, connecting the central part of the city and the "Pyaterka" district. From it was named one of the largest grocery markets in the city.

The street was named after the road from Uglich to Yaroslavl. At the beginning of the XIX century it was called Malaya Uglichskaya street and lay parallel to Bolshaya Uglichskaya, which we know as Ulitsa Svobody. In the last century it was united with Uglichskoe highway and became much longer. The main sights are the church of St. Leontius of Rostov, the city and the military cemetery, where are buried famous people, honorary citizens, heroes of Yaroslavl, the Museum of Military Glory.

Last online:
Dec. 1, 2022, 9:23 a.m.
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