Webcam Astrakhan. The Volga River in real time

Astrakhan has always been imagined by the Russian people as a region of abundance. This opinion is not unfounded, because Astrakhan is located on the Volga, near the Caspian Sea. And it has always been famous for fishing. And the rich forests of this region contribute to the development of hunting skills. This regional center is located at the beginning of the Volga delta, it is all riddled with river channels and tributaries.

It is said that the city is located on eleven islands of the Caspian lowlands.
Astrakhan is a major city of the Southern Federal District with a population of just over half a million people, divided into two parts by the Volga River. It has two large bridges connecting it to the right bank of the river, where most inhabitants live. In general, because of the large number of ducts there are quite a lot of bridges and bridges, which allows you to compare the city with the Northern Capital. But if St. Petersburg is considered a window to Europe, Astrakhan is a window to the east. Here is a place where the two cultures - Asian and European - meet, which has determined the multinationality of the city.

Though the first records of the city date back to the 13th century, it was founded in 1558, when Ivan the Terrible conquered the city and built a wooden fortress (the future Kremlin) under Ivan Semenovich Cheremisov's direction. Before the conquest, Astrakhan, better known at that time as Khadzhi-Tarkhan, was under the power of the Mongols, and the center of their rule was located here. After two victorious campaigns of Ivan the Terrible, the city became part of the Russian Empire.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:33 a.m.
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