Live broadcast Yaroslavl. Prospect Oktyabr, Respublikanskaya Street

The oldest name of the street, located on the site of today's October Avenue, was connected, presumably, with one of the residents - a certain Zhuravlev. Until the end of the XVIII century the street was known as Pischalnaya. Perhaps due to the profession of the residents pischalnikov (pischal is a type of cannon).

Since the end of the XVIII century. until 1918, street was called Dvoryanskaya. Thus from the XIX century it begins to be built up not only with mansions of the nobility but also with merchant mansions. At the beginning of modern Oktyabr avenue are preserved architectural monuments, belonging to this period. One of the oldest is the house of noblemen Dedyulin (11 Oktyabr avenue), built in the 1780s.

Since 1851 the building housed the Olginsky orphanage for girls, named after Princess Olga Nikolayevna. A little further along the street is the building of the former mansion of the merchants Kokuyevs (October Prospect, 14), built at the beginning of the XX century in the Art Nouveau style. One of the most beautiful architectural monuments is the mansion of Ivan Nikolayevich Dunayev (38, Oktyabr avenue), the owner of the tobacco factory "Balkanskaya zvezda". The building was designed by the architect Nikolai Ivanovich Pozdeev and featured a rich decoration of the facade and interiors, which suited the tastes of its owner, who was known for his rather eccentric behavior.

In 1918 the street changed its name to contrary to the previous one - Grazhdanskaya. During the years of Soviet power on it appeared a lot of new buildings - the building of the Department of Internal Affairs (13, October avenue), a house in horseshoe (34, October avenue) and several others.
With the growth of the city the length of the street increased. In 1965 part of Tutaevsky highway from Lenin avenue to the railroad to Vologda was attached to it. In October 1967, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, the street was renamed into October Prospect. By that time it included a part of Tutaev highway from the railroad to Leningrad Avenue, stretching through the industrial area.

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Nov. 30, 2022, 10:05 a.m.
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