Webcam Evpatoria. Frunze Street, Lenin Avenue

Frunze Street in Evpatoria is the most resort street. It begins at the sea, and ends at the railway station. The way most residents and guests of the city to the Kursaal and the sea passes along this street.

Before the revolution, the street first had just a number and was called the Second Line. Later it was renamed into the Boulevard of General Knyazhevicha.
According to Evpatoria historian NV Pavlenkova know the following:
In the newspaper "Evpatoria News" ¹ 1117 on January 1, 1916 in the "Chronicle" section provides information about the meeting at the end of December 1915, the commission to discuss the choice of the street to name it Tauride governor NA Knyazhevicha:
"The commission traveled to the railway station, surveyed the entire area and, at the suggestion of the mayor S.E. Duvan, decided to arrange an avenue 20 yards wide from the proposed new railway station with an exit in a straight line to the sea through Alexander II Avenue to the end of the Second Transverse dacha line. Here on the seashore the new avenue will end with a small garden. This avenue will be called "General Knyazhevich Boulevard".

Throughout the boulevard will be conducted two streetcar lines, the boulevard will be paved and planted with trees on both sides.
As 100 years ago, streetcars run down Frunze Street from the station toward the sea.
The modern name the street got in honor of the famous red commander, who has played a significant role in the establishment of Soviet power in the Crimea.

Street Frunze begins at the intersection with Gorky Street and the embankment, at the last (largest) fountain. Then up to the intersection with Kirov Street are fast food outlets, photo salons, tables with excursions, etc. Of course, all this in the summer. In the off-season, locals stroll to the sea in good weather here. The neighborhood is all about food and entertainment.
Originally, the streetcar ran on this section of Frunze Street, turning from Kirov Street to Frunze Street, to the intersection with Gorky Street, and then along it.

From the crossroads of Frunze and Kirov streets to the crossroads with Pushkin street western side of the street is occupied by the resorts merchants, and the eastern side - by the restaurants and ruined arboretum, where for the benefit of their pockets have placed the amusement park.
From Pushkin Street to Lenin Avenue are a variety of stores, market stalls, tables with suggestions for tours of the Crimea.

Strongly busy and the intersection of Frunze Street and Lenin Avenue. Here is a free pump room with mineral medicinal water, unfortunately, regularly closed, the stop of streetcars of routes 1 and 3, the stop of many cabs and the hotel "Ukraine", from which go on excursions around the city two-storeyed excursion buses.

The farther from the sea, the less there are catering and shopping facilities, but they are along the whole street Frunze.

On the western side up to the intersection with Demysheva street behind the hotel "Ukraine" is one of the oldest schools in the city - high school № 2, constantly changing objects of commerce, the original pharmacy with a mirror showcase, and on the east - different stores, the former House of Life, now the shopping center Frunzensky, and the former department store, now a cafe-restaurant, with a small market.

Farther to the station Frunze Street is a usual Evpatoria street, with a few stores, remodeled from the first floor apartments, and houses of the fifties-sixties.

Street Frunze ends at the intersection with Internatsionalnaya Street, near the railway station, as the route of streetcar number 3.
In the summer holiday season Frunze street is one of the most crowded in both directions, both to and from the sea.

A reminder of whose name the street is named after is a bust of Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze near the intersection of Frunze and Nekrasova Streets.
In the park named after Frunze, also known as the Kursaal, there used to be a monument to Frunze. But to please the next business interests the monument has been removed, and in its place was built an institution called Aquarium, positioning itself as a competitor to the Sevastopol Aquarium. And the Frunze monument was moved to the Silkovich garden, proudly called "Museum of World Sculpture" near the seaport.


Last online:
Nov. 4, 2022, 8:26 a.m.
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