Webcam Evpatoria. International Street, Krupskaya Street

The International Street is the longest street in Evpatoria.
This is also the main street of Evpatoria - from the station square begins the way of all who came to Evpatoria by rail, and from the bus station begins Evpatoria for those who arrived by bus.

With Street International You will always meet, no matter how and where you are going in Evpatoria. You will not pass by.

Street International begins about Perekopskaya street, then meanders to the dervishes, expanding about Katyk (square of the metallists), stretches to the collective farmers market and then to the railway stations, bakeries and dairies in the direction of the village Uyutnoe, and after crossing the street 60 years VLKSM passes into Evpatoria highway that stretches from Evpatoria through the village Uyutnoe to the village of Molochnoe.
Before the revolution, the International Street was shorter and was called St. Nicholas.
On the stretch from Karaeva Street to Ul'yanova Street International goes along the former fortress wall of Gezlev, and at the intersection with Hospitalnaya Street in the Middle Ages there was the Earth Gate, one of the five city gates of medieval Gezlev.
In addition to the tekkei of dervishes, there are several other historic buildings on Internatsionalnaya Street. Among them is the Armenian Church, located on the territory of the current nursing home and almost opposite the Mamuna House.
In Soviet times, one of the main cinemas of Yevpatoria - "Rodina" - was located on Internatsionalnaya Street. Its significant repertoire included children's movies and Indian cinema.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the cinema building was abandoned. Later it was just demolished, and there was an unsightly vacant lot. Not so long ago, on the site of the former movie theater "Rodina" supermarket "Fresh" was built.

In the 19th century, there was a Muslim cemetery on the site of the present "Fresh" supermarket.
Because of the lively human traffic on Internatsionalnaya Street, as well as the location of stations in Evpatoria, more and more apartments on the first floor are being rebuilt under various stores, especially on the section from the intersection with Tokarev Street to the intersection with Krupskaya Street.

Last online:
Nov. 4, 2022, 8:13 a.m.
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