Webcam Lahdenpohja. Sadovaya street (Karelia) online

Lahdenpohja is a small town in Karelia, it is the administrative center of Lahdenpohja district. It is located on the Aura-joki River (the river named Aura) where it flows into Ladoga.

Difficult to pronounce the name of the city itself is translated from Finnish as "far corner of the bay. There are few sights here, but they are certainly worth the attention of those who love Karelia and want to learn more about this harsh and beautiful land.

At the excavations in Lahdenpokhsky district a lot of artifacts have been found that indicate the heyday of Karelian culture in these places in the XII-XIV centuries. First settlements on the Ladoga shore appeared in 800, the written mention about Lahdenpohja area goes back to 1323.

Modern Lahdenpohja consists of 3 parts: Lahdenpohja proper, Jakkima and Hauhkanmäki which historically are separate settlements. Since XVIII century they repeatedly changed hands between the Swedes, Finns and Russians. Finally the lands were passed to the USSR in 1944 after many years of Finnish power.

In 1945 Lahdenpohja became a town. Its population is only 7,5 thousand, ethnically the Russians prevail greatly, the indigenous peoples, the Koryols and the Finns, less than 2%.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:38 a.m.
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