Webcam St. Petersburg, Murino. Devyatkino railway station

Devyatkino is a railway station of the St. Petersburg division, which is part of the October railroad. It is the Leningrad region, Murino settlement.

The station receives electric trains that run on the routes: St. Petersburg - Vaskelovo, Sosnovo - St. Petersburg, Kuznechnoye - St. Petersburg, Priozersk - St. Petersburg , St. Petersburg - Sosnovo, Sosnovo - Devyatkino, Devyatkino - Vaskelovo.

Many trains arrive every day, but there are trains that run only on weekends or on certain days. The station receives trains every hour, and the parking of trains takes only a minute.

The station was opened in 1917. There is a station, four platforms and nine train tracks. Originally the station was called Murino, but in 1923 it was renamed Devyatkino.

Last online:
Nov. 15, 2022, 7:40 a.m.
St. Petersburg
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