Webcam Irkutsk. Lermontov Street, Melentiev Street online

Lermontov Street is one of the main thoroughfares of the city and the Sverdlovsk district. The length of the street is 5496 meters, it begins at the intersection with Tereshkova Street (Sverdlovsk market area) and stretches to Akademicheskaya Street (trolleybus park area). Passes through the urban areas Glazkovo, Studgorodok, Akademgorodok. The street is adjoined by many buildings of educational and scientific institutions. Its former name was Lermontovskaya. It was named in honour of Russian poet M. Lermontov.

In the 1890s in connection with the construction of Trans-Siberian railway an active housing construction in Glazkovskoe suburb Irkutsk began. Lermontovskaya street was marked in city plan 1901 and mentioned in census of population 1902. Houses for employees and railroad workers were built in Lermontovskaya street and neighbouring Gogolevskaya and Pushkinskaya streets. The buildings were wooden and one-storey.

In 1907 in area of Lermontovskaya street residential areas for evicted inhabitants of "Port-Arthur" - areas of unauthorized building on the arrow of Angara and Irkut rivers and opposite Innokentievskiy settlement (now Novo-Lenino and Irkutsk II) were given.

The further development of Lermontov street is connected with the building of Irkutsk Polytechnic institute and Students town formed around it (beginning of building in 1956) and Akademgorodok, where the institutes of Irkutsk scientific center SB RAN are concentrated.

In January 1971, the state commission accepted for service the overpass over the railroads of the East Siberian line on Lermontov street. It connected two residential neighborhoods - Akademgorodok and Studgorodok.

In March 2016, the grand opening of the new building of the Rasputin Scientific Library of the Irkutsk State University (124 Lermontov Street) took place.
In February 2021 the Irkutsk mayor's office presented a scheme for the reconstruction of the Lermontov road interchange. The project affects the area from Akademicheskiy bridge to Pervomayskiy micro-district (turn to Vampilova street), including the traffic at the entrances to Universitetskiy and Pervomayskiy districts.

The main purpose of the reconstruction is to solve the problem of traffic jam at the exit from Akademicheskiy bridge in the direction of Universitetskiy and Pervomayskiy districts1. The new traffic junction also provides widening of the carriageway, separate strips for public transport, equipment of bicycle lanes, arrangement of modern lighting, installation of noise-canceling baffles along the carriageway. An important component of the project is the creation of another technological hole in the overpass on Lermontov Street. With the help of the tunnel it will be possible to separate traffic flows moving in different directions. The implementation of the project is scheduled for 2022-2024.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:46 a.m.
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