Webcam Kaliningrad. Peter the Great Embankment, Pregol River

Peter the Great Embankment is a city landmark, where hundreds of residents and guests of Kaliningrad stroll with pleasure every day. Here you can freely enjoy the beautiful views, learn the history of the city, touch the monuments, see unique and legendary ships moored at the pier, as well as an amphibious aircraft.

A wide sidewalk is paved along the Pregolya coast - from the submarine to the floating lighthouse. It passes by the exhibition buildings of the Museum of the World Ocean, crosses the Old Port and breaks into a memorial ensemble: the monument to Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Memorial sign to the fishermen-pioneers of ocean fishing.

The quay was opened in 1996 and was timed to the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet. It was named in honor of Peter the Great, who once walked along these places. The Tsar first traveled abroad in 1697, visiting Königsberg with the Great Embassy, which he sent to the prince-elector to conclude a treaty of alliance. Later Peter the Great often sailed along the Pregolya River, and also sailed to Pillau - now Baltiysk, and to the suburban residence of the Elector, Friedrichsburg.

Not far from the embankment is a bridge, which is planned to restore and make a pedestrian. Opening of the "philosophical" dam - the name of the future bridge, will be timed to the 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant. In addition, in memory of the great philosopher on the waterfront installed bench with a cane and a triangle, where you can sit.

It is also interesting that on the embankment the locals have been celebrating the Herring Day for several days every year since 2006 and the Long Sausage Day. In 2010 Kaliningrad citizens even made it into the Guinness Book of Records for the fact that they produced and ate the biggest herring under the fur coat - with a length of 11.8 meters and a weight of 488 kg.
In addition, every day from the Peter the Great embankment from the monument to Nicholas the Wonderworker departs excursion boat.

During the river walk you can enjoy new views and stories about the city. The excursion route on the Pregolya River passes the Fish Village, the stadium "Kaliningrad", seven bridges, Kant's Island and the Cathedral.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:28 a.m.
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