Webcam Feodosia - Overview of Dvuyakornaya Bay

Dvuyakornaya Bay is located 10 km from the city of Feodosiya. Ordzhonikidze is located in the eastern part of the Crimean peninsula, on the territory of Feodosia City Council, and is 10 km from the center of Feodosia, behind the Tepe-Oba ridge and Dvuyakornaya bay.

In addition to Dvuyakornaya bay, the village is washed by the Provato Bay (part of the Koktebel Bay). Cape Kiik-Atlama ends elevated (174 m), which has almost all sides of the rocky precipitous coast. At the end of the XI century on the site of the modern village was an Armenian monastery and a fortress called Kaigador.

In the Middle Ages the village was called Provato, there was a Genoese port. Before the village was given its present name in 1937, parts of its present territory were called Provalnoe and Dvuyakorny (now a military camp "Dvuyakorny").

The abbreviated local name is Ordzho. In 2007, the village authorities, in order to attract tourists wanted to rename the village in "Zurbagan. In 1911 the village began construction of the base (factory) to test the sea weapons. In 1937 the road from the factory to the turn to Koktebel was built.

At the plant opened a school and kindergarten. In 1941 the village was occupied by German troops. The plant was evacuated to Kaspiysk. The fascists used the bay as a transshipment base. In 1944 the village was liberated.

During the Soviet era in the closed village housed a military plant "Gidropribor", which produced torpedoes, in Ukraine, renamed the JSC "Dvuyakornaya Bay" and ceased operation.Since 1990, the village is developing as a resort.


Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 1:37 p.m.
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