Webcam Biysk. Sovetskaya Street, Riviera shopping mall in real time

Sovetskaya street is one of the most interesting in Biysk. Firstly, it is the oldest in the city, and secondly, the longest. Its length for 2016 is 3,600 meters. Of more than two hundred historical monuments of regional importance the main part is located here.

The name of Sovetskaya Street used to be different. At first it was Omskaya, as it led to the Omsk gate of Biysk fortress, which is tentatively located at the intersection of Gilleva lane and Sovetskaya street. After the construction of the Assumption church street was renamed Uspenskaya. The modern street stretches from Kirov Avenue to the distillery and continues to the Green Wedge.

Most of the houses in the old center were built of red "trash" bricks. Given the old age of the buildings, their condition surprises with its stability. The fact is that before they started building houses, in those days they hired people who were called "hulks". Their task was to throw bricks from a height of 10-15 meters. If after such an experiment they remained intact, then the bricks were used.
Since the middle of XIX century Biysk was built up with trading houses and stores. Most of the buildings of the old center were built in the eclectic style. They combine elements of different styles, such as art nouveau, classicism and baroque. As a result, the opulent two-story mansions are true works of art, and the approach to their construction testifies to the identity of the city.

In the old center are such architectural monuments, as the Pushkin College for men, the St. Nicholas Female Gymnasium, and the Siberian Commercial Bank. Now the students of the Altai State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University named after Shukshin study in these buildings. V.M.Shukshin. Here with amazing ease you can recreate the spirit of past centuries.

Last online:
Nov. 11, 2022, 10:53 a.m.
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