Webcam Astrakhan. Nikolai Ostrovsky Street, Magnitogorskaya Street

The street is one of the longest streets in Astrakhan, crossing the territory of the Soviet district of the city. It begins from Trudovaya Street in the area of low-rise buildings and north of the legendary Soviet fire station, called Centaur Valley by local residents because of the graffiti, west of Avtogorodok and runs from southwest to northeast, crossing Deminsky, Yakutskaya, Magadanskaya, and Porokhovaya Streets.

Then it changes direction and goes from west to east, crossing General of the Army Epishev, Boevaya, Volzhskaya and Bera streets, Syzransky Lane, Kirov and Kubanskaya streets, Nikolai Ostrovsky Passage, Vorobyov Passage, Korolenko Street, Zvezdnaya Street and Magnitogorskaya Street and South-Eastern Drive (thus it passes next to the microdistrict South-East-2, and passes along the northern border of the district South-East-3) and ends at the nameless bridge over the Kutum at the border with Kirovsky district of the city.

It has the status of a main street of general city importance, regulated traffic of the first class.
The street is built up with buildings of different periods - pre-revolutionary, Stalinist, Khrushchev and post-Soviet, including architectural monuments.

Before the revolution the street was called Stepnaya, and on December 30, 1920, by resolution of the plenum of the Astrakhan City Council it was renamed Syzranskaya. In 1965, it received its present name in honor of the Soviet writer Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:12 a.m.
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