Freeport Webcam. UNEXSO hotel dolphinarium

Freeport is a beautiful city that was created practically out of nothing. In 1955, Wallace Groves, who had a financial interest in the island, received the territory of Freeport, with the condition of its economic development. Afterwards, a city called Freeport was built here, which subsequently became the second largest city in the Bahamas, of course, after the capital, Nassau.

Located just 100 kilometers from Palm Beach, Florida, the city began to actively develop, because quite a number of ship routes passed near its location. The city has become a center for international business, and the number of companies that choose to locate in Freeport, is constantly growing. Even very large ships have a right to call at Freeport harbor, because there is a seaport for cruise ships, as well as a large container port and shipyards for ships and yachts.

Along with trade, a significant source of income of Freeport is undoubtedly tourism, because the beautiful nature and excellent recreational facilities constantly attract tourists and travelers from all corners of the earth. And about 85 percent of the tourist flow comes from the United States, with only 7 percent coming from European countries.

Receipts from tourism help to provide more than 70% of combined exports of goods and other services, because there are about three hundred hotels in The Bahamas, which are visited by more than two million people a year. The record was set in 2002, when the number of tourists passed 4 million.

Last online:
Oct. 17, 2022, 9:49 a.m.
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