Webcam Astrakhan. Swan Lake, Planetarium in real time

Swan Lake is one of the main attractions of Astrakhan. The quiet water surface is able to pull a person out of the noisy city around him and make him contemplate the beauty of nature, bringing peace to the souls of people watching the lake.

The small but picturesque Swan Lake is a favorite vacation spot of the townspeople. In the warm season on weekends it is difficult to find a free place, everyone goes for a picnic or just a walk to get some fresh air and to feed the beautiful swans. In winter, when the lake is covered with a thick layer of ice, it becomes a big city skating rink.
The territory of the lake is landscaped for the convenience of Astrakhan residents, the coastal area is clean and disposes to walks.

The history of Swan Lake began relatively recently. A couple of centuries ago the Volga was much wider and larger than now. Its banks spilled near the Kremlin walls. However, the river began to shallow, and in time it had to take measures to arrange the city. Special channels were dug to protect the spit formed near the Kremlin. But such measures did not work, and the spit dried up, leaving only a channel, at the mouth of which there was formed a lake known as Swan Lake. The growth of the territory of the city provoked the joining of the spit with the rest of Astrakhan. That's how the area was founded. By the anniversary of the founding of the city the territory adjacent to the lake was reconstructed, and the recreation area and the park were ennobled and began to look decent.

The shore of Swan Lake was strengthened with granite blocks and surrounded by manicured lawn. For the convenience of visitors there were specially equipped safe ramps to the water. In the evening the lighting is on, and even in the dark you can comfortably sit on the benches and admire the landscapes of the green corner of the city. Near the city planetarium there is an observation deck, which offers a beautiful view of the lake, where you can get great pictures.

It is not for nothing that the lake is called Swan Lake. The water surface is dissected by these noble birds, which are the favorites of local residents. Swans are very accustomed to people and swim close enough to the shore, so you can enjoy their appearance. Naturally, the birds count on treats and gladly accept them from people. During the improvement of the lake measures were taken to build a special island for birds.
The traditional association with swans as symbols of fidelity and love, leads almost every couple of newlyweds in the city to this place to take pictures of the new family.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:46 a.m.
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