Webcam Nizhny Tagil. Slavy Square (Sverdlovsk region) online

The stele "Wall of Memory" was opened on May 9, 1968. On the plates are carved more than 500 names of Dzerzhinsk citizens who fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.
A capsule with the act of opening of the Memorial Complex and signatures of heads of all enterprises of Dzerzhinsky district of Nizhny Tagil, who participated in its creation, was immured in the stele.
On May 9, 2015, an additional stele was unveiled to immortalize all the names of Dzerzhinsky District residents who gave their lives in the fight against fascism.
As of 2005, 3,137 residents of Dzerzhinsk did not return from the Great Patriotic War. Of these, 1,523 died during the war, 220 died from wounds and illnesses, 5 died in captivity, and 1,389 people were missing.

The stele "Wall of Memory" is a part of memorial complex on the Square of Glory.
The Square of Glory is a memorial complex in memory of the residents of the Dzerzhinsky district of Nizhny Tagil, who died in the war, was opened on May 9, 1968. The authors of the project - architects A.K.Obukhov, D.S.Popov; sculptors - V.I.Stekanov and I.Ya.Bogolyubov.
The complex includes:

- Obelisk in the form of a vertical bayonet, made of aluminum alloys;
- Eternal Flame;
- Monument "Unity of Front and Home Front" depicting a tank man and a tank builder;
- a monument to area residents who died in Afghanistan and Chechnya;
- Stele "Wall of Memory", on which are carved more than 500 names of fallen soldiers - residents of the district;
- 6 stele on which the information about the largest enterprises-defenders of the district, war veterans, the largest workers of science and technology and others is presented;
- stele, which bears the names of honored workers of enterprises and institutions of Dzerzhinsky district.
The authors of the 2014-2015 reconstruction. - Sculptors - V.I.Pavlenko, I.V.Mitryaev, the architect - S.V.Shulakov.

Glory Square is a monument of monumental art of local importance, protected by the state.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:48 a.m.
Nizhny Tagil
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