Webcam Krasnoyarsk. Zheleznodorozhnikov Street online

Zheleznodorozhnikov Street is located in the Zheleznodorozhny district of Krasnoyarsk.
On the spot where Zheleznodorozhnikov Street now runs, there used to be Popov Meadow. In the first half of XIX century it was a city outskirts, but at the turn of XIX-XX centuries Popov Meadow suburb was formed here, which was built up with quality wooden houses. Around the same time the future Railwaymen Street appeared, which was given the name Nizhneturemnaya.

The name was given by the nearby Krasnoyarsk prison or Krasnoyarsk prison castle. For a while a whole block, including Nizhneturemnaya Street, was also in the territory of the prison. (The stone prison castle still exists today on Republic Street, 72, SIZO No. 1). Approximately until the 30s of the 19th century the city jail was located in the place where the "Locomotive" stadium is now on Lenin Street.

In 1921 the Popov Meadow suburb was renamed "Sloboda Combat" and the street Lower prison into the street of 1905 Railwaymen Uprising. However, this name has not been used for a long time, it was shortened to "Railwaymen".
Thus, the street is named to commemorate the events of 1905.

The October All-Russian political strike in 1905, initiated by workers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, met with active support in Krasnoyarsk. On October 13, a meeting of railway workshop workers, organized by the Krasnoyarsk committee of the RSDLP, decided to support the general strike. At the call of the railroad workers, workers of other enterprises, employees of institutions, and students began to join the strike. The strike covered the entire city: commercial establishments, pharmacies were closed, the telegraph and telephone did not work, the activity of the district court was paralyzed. The city was in the grip of the demonstration element. The news about the Krasnoyarsk Republic of 1905 became known to the world.

The street starts from the intersection with Respublika street and runs parallel to, on the left side of the street Maerchak, and on the right side borders with the river Kacha, ending at a busy crossroads, passing into a small street North-Yenisei.

The street is mainly built up of panel gas-fired five-story and nine-story improved buildings. In the mid-1980s, three Leningrad layout houses were built there (#18 "b", 20 "b", 20 "a"), and two brick houses of the new layout. In 1992 a 97-series panel house was commissioned, and a few years later a ten-story brick building with standard layouts was erected at number 26 "a. The oldest building on the street is a three-story Stalinka, built in 1959, #28. New houses on Zheleznodorozhnodorozhniki Street began to be built in 2006 near the Kacha River: these are monolithic brick buildings with large-size apartments.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:10 a.m.
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