Online camera Yaroslavl. Strelka, stairs, Kotorosl river embankment

Strelka is the beginning of Yaroslavl. In the IX century here, at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers (the so-called Strelka), appeared Finno-Ugric settlement. And here, a century later, "by waterway" came the team of Yaroslav the Wise. The prince killed a bear with the same "point", which is so similar to the shape of the coast, formed by the connection of the rivers. After this event in 1010, according to legend, Yaroslavl was founded.

Now, looking at modern Yaroslavl Strelka, it is very difficult to imagine how it was in the XI century. The steep twenty meters bank at the confluence of two full-flowing rivers was not only interesting because of its exuberant beauty, but also because of its favorable position for the construction of a fortified settlement. The natural landscape of the area protected Yaroslavl, founded here in 1010, from threats from the outside. And also it turned it into one of the outposts of the trade routes along the Volga and Kotorosl rivers.

Now, looking at modern Yaroslavl Strelka, it is very difficult to imagine what it was like in the XI century. The steep twenty meters bank at the confluence of two full-flowing rivers was not only interesting because of its exuberant beauty, but also because it was an advantageous position for the construction of a fortified settlement. The natural landscape of the area protected Yaroslavl, founded here in 1010, from threats from the outside. And also it turned it into one of the watch outposts of trade routes along the Volga and Kotorosl rivers.

On the arrow at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers there is a monument to the 1,000th anniversary of Yaroslavl. The monument was established in 2010 and represents a stele of height more than 20 meters on the pedestal. It is surrounded by sculptures of the founding prince, an Orthodox priest, an ancient chronicler, warriors-druzhinnikov, a woman with a child.

Last online:
Nov. 22, 2022, 7:18 a.m.
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